Course : Excel: Getting Started with Application Develoment in VBA

optional TOSA® certification

Excel: Getting Started with Application Develoment in VBA

optional TOSA® certification
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This course will teach you how to develop Excel applications with macros and the language VBA. It covers the creation of forms and event procedures to automate Excel processes. At the end of the training, you’ll be able to certify your skills by taking the TOSA® exam.


Practical course in person or remote class

Ref. BAV
Price : 1510 € E.T.
  4d - 28h00

This course will teach you how to develop Excel applications with macros and the language VBA. It covers the creation of forms and event procedures to automate Excel processes. At the end of the training, you’ll be able to certify your skills by taking the TOSA® exam.

Teaching objectives
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
  • Viewing a macro’s VBA code and making simple changes in an editor
  • Knowing Excel objects, their properties, and essential methods
  • Using different conditional structures of the language, variables and constants, and handling errors.
  • Creating input forms and creating event procedures

Intended audience
Anyone who wants to automate processing and develop applications in Excel.

Good knowledge of Excel.

Course schedule

Development using macros

  • Defining and identifying the limits of a macro: Need to use VBA.
  • Recording a macro and displaying the code.
  • Assigning a macro to a button.
  • Using variable dimension ranges.
Hands-on work
Overview of the TOSA® test, and head count of participants when going around the room. Recording macros to learn about VBA code.

Getting started with Excel VBA language

  • Viewing a macro’s code and making simple changes in an editor.
  • Identifying what sets different versions of Excel apart.
  • Understanding the VBA environment: Modules, projects, objects, and their properties.
  • Knowing the main objects of Excel (Workbook, Worksheet, Range), their properties and essential methods.
Hands-on work
Working on variable dimension ranges. Consolidating information from multiple tabs.

Language structure

  • Knowing conditionals: IF ...END IF, SELECT CASE. FOR NEXT, DO WHILE, UNTIL, FOR EACH NEXT loops.
  • Understanding variables and constants. Documenting the code.
  • Managing runtime errors, debugging.
  • Working with procedures and functions. Calls, branches.
Hands-on work
Analyzing and then creating code to act conditionally on cell ranges.

Dialog box and forms

  • Using the message box, input box. Excel dialogs.
  • Defining and understanding the role of a UserForm in Excel.
  • Describing a form’s different objects, control properties in a form.
  • Retrieving, controlling, and using data entered in the form.
Hands-on work
Creating a UserForm to use the entered data.

Event procedures

  • Understanding the event procedure. The first workbook and sheet events (Open, Activate).
  • Initializing and configuring a control: Control events in UserForm.
Hands-on work
Defining actions to be run when a workbook is opened, when a UserForm is displayed.

Communicating with Word or PowerPoint

  • Using automation, referencing a library.
  • Working with the Application object.
Hands-on work
With VBA, transfer an Excel table into a Word document or PowerPoint presentation. Optional: Certifying your skills with TOSA®.

If registering for the TOSA® certification option, you must do so at the same time as course registration. The exam is made up of a 60-minute adaptive test with 35 exercises. The result indicates your skill level. Merely taking the course is not sufficient to achieve a maximum score. The exam is proctored by the instructor and is carried out online during the last half-hour of the course. If taking place in a remote classroom, the exam must be both scheduled and then taken online within 4 weeks following the start of your session.

Practical details
Discussions, hands-on exercises, and practice that will prepare you to take the TOSA® certification exam if you chose it as an option
Teaching methods;
Active learning based on discussions, real-world exercises, and practice if taking the TOSA® certification exam, and an evaluation of what was learned from the training.

Customer reviews
4,4 / 5
Customer reviews are based on end-of-course evaluations. The score is calculated from all evaluations within the past year. Only reviews with a textual comment are displayed.

Dates and locations
Select your location or opt for the remote class then choose your date.
Remote class