Course : Becoming more caring with Nonviolent Communication

Becoming more caring with Nonviolent Communication

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This introductory course into Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication will enable you to gain awareness of your own “personal and relationship ecology”. You’ll practice NVC to become more caring and cooperative and reform your communication habits.


Practical course in person or remote class

Ref. CNV
Price : 1390 € E.T.
  2d - 14h00

This introductory course into Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication will enable you to gain awareness of your own “personal and relationship ecology”. You’ll practice NVC to become more caring and cooperative and reform your communication habits.

Teaching objectives
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
  • Identify the obstacles to cooperative communication
  • Clarify what you're going through
  • Express yourself to increase your chances of being heard
  • Listen without self-erasure; express yourself without aggression
  • Turn disagreements into opportunities for dialog

Intended audience
This course is for anyone who wants to learn communication techniques for staying positive in all circumstances.

No particular knowledge.

Course schedule

Understand the tools of Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

  • Identify obstacles to cooperative communication: Judgments, labels, comparisons, interpretations, etc.
  • Experience how intention and attention are essential in communication.
  • Define Nonviolent Communication.
  • Learn the NVC process in 4 steps.
  • Turn obstacles into cooperative communication opportunities.
Role-playing the 4 steps of the NVC process.

Taking your emotions and needs into account to "speak truth”

  • Accommodating your emotions, even in a professional setting.
  • Clarifying your needs, and distinguishing them from communication strategies.
  • Turning your judgments into feelings and needs.
  • Expressing a request: Finding the power to act.
Getting to know the NVC process, in concrete cases with or without a subordinate relationship: Meeting, project milestone.

Creating and reinforcing care in your interpersonal relations

  • Developing your presence and assertiveness.
  • Mastering empathetic listening to clarify your messages and better understand those of others.
  • Experiencing what empathy really is, with yourself (self-empathy) and with the other person.
  • Turning the other person's criticism of you into an opportunity for dialog.
Practicing empathy and developing trust.

Strengthening cooperation and being heard

  • Strengthening your connection to the other person before requesting that they act.
  • Finding the necessary conditions for your request to be heard.
  • Expressing appreciation and asking for it.
Practice with Nonviolent Communication, focusing on intent and attention, in professional situations contributed by participants.

Practical details
Professional scenarios, based on actual cases contributed by the training attendees.
Teaching methods;
A participatory approach that requires involvement from attendees.

Customer reviews
4,6 / 5
Customer reviews are based on end-of-course evaluations. The score is calculated from all evaluations within the past year. Only reviews with a textual comment are displayed.

Dates and locations
Select your location or opt for the remote class then choose your date.
Remote class