Course : Handling customer complaints by email

Goal: Efficiency and customer satisfaction

Handling customer complaints by email

Goal: Efficiency and customer satisfaction
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Responding to an unhappy customer by email is an opportunity for the company to demonstrate its professionalism and its ability to maintain the trusted relationship with the customer. This training will enable you to quickly and efficiently handle your internal or external customers' complaints by email.


Practical course in person or remote class

Ref. RCL
Price : 700 € E.T.
  1d - 7h00

Responding to an unhappy customer by email is an opportunity for the company to demonstrate its professionalism and its ability to maintain the trusted relationship with the customer. This training will enable you to quickly and efficiently handle your internal or external customers' complaints by email.

Teaching objectives
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
  • Identify the meaning of the customer's complaint
  • Structure a clear, concise and positive response
  • Energize your style
  • Use a register to generate customer satisfaction

Intended audience
Anyone who has to manage customer relations by email.

Initial experience in customer relations desirable.

Course schedule

Understanding the customer's complaint

  • Decode the customer's complaint: Put yourself "in the shoes" of the dissatisfied customer.
  • Tell apart expectations and needs: Analyze the substance of the complaint.
  • Define the components of an efficient writing process that generates customer satisfaction.
Hands-on work
The "I, customer" game. Analyze different types of complaints. Identify expectations and needs. Formalize the components of effective writing in the form of a mind map.

Build the response to the complaint to aim for efficiency

  • Rethink your strategy for responding to customer complaints.
  • Structure your response methodically: rebound, accompany, conclude.
  • Expressing empathy: Rephrasing the complaint and reassuring the customer that their request has been understood.
  • Provide a solution to the complaint and advise the customer of the next step.
  • Conclude the email positively.
  • Ask yourself the key questions before sending your email.
Hands-on work
Workshop on writing emails based on the examples analyzed in the first sequence: Structuring the response, rephrasing the complaint, proposing a solution. Group debriefing.

Revitalizing your style to enhance your brand's image

  • Learn to write in short format.
  • Add positivity to your style: Use words that create customer satisfaction.
  • Be more impactful in your response: Write clearly, precisely and factually.
  • Personalize your response.
  • Work on the form of your email to make it more readable.
Hands-on work
Intensive workshop of rewriting exercises: Polishing unpleasant words, writing dynamically, reworking syntax.

Expanding your vocabulary to express your empathy

  • Translate technical jargon and make it understandable.
  • Use words of empathy.
  • Use words of reassurance.
Creativity game: Vary and expand your wording. Build a personal library of appropriate phrases.

Practical details
Hands-on work
Writing and rewriting workshops. Sharing practices, group compositions, intensive training.
Teaching methods;
Active and participatory instructional methods. Alternating theory/practice as applied to the context and experiences of the participants.

Customer reviews
4,7 / 5
Customer reviews are based on end-of-course evaluations. The score is calculated from all evaluations within the past year. Only reviews with a textual comment are displayed.

Dates and locations
Select your location or opt for the remote class then choose your date.
Remote class