Management and corporate strategy

In a constantly changing world, it’s critical to preserve what makes a company unique while seizing new growth opportunities. Building and deploying a corporate strategy, defining action plans and seeing them through, and improving a competitive position are necessary but not sufficient to ensure business continuity, prevent and manage risks, or plot out a path to long-term success. Corporate executives must now juggle a variety of organisational, financial, and technical approaches, while keeping emergent social and environmental issues in mind. Anticipating and innovating in digital technology is also essential to creating value and growth. Companies are contending with the arrival of innovative newcomers with a national and international reach. They have every reason to make their digital transitions successful, particularly by upgrading their processes and organisational methods while also optimising their business models.

Management and corporate strategy

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    Strategy and management 7 courses

A corporate strategy is crafted based on an assessment of what sets the company apart and a benchmark analysis of the competition. The strategy is then monitored by choosing indicators that will make it possible to measure performance, communicate, ensure that the reality matches what was planned, and find variables to adjust. Orsys can give you the methodological keys to define strategic choices, turn them into operational priorities, and efficiently track activity.

    Digital transition 3 courses

The digital transformation is affecting all organisations at all levels. Companies are focused on seeing it through, and technology choices, change management, and upgrades to practices must be well-thought-out and accompanied by support. Orsys has designed training to enable business unit leaders, managers, and executives to understand the challenges of this digital transition and make the right strategic and implementation choices.

    Risk management and business continuity 6 courses

Every company must be able to ensure the continuity of its business while managing its most significant risks as best it can. These may include strategic, geopolitical, economic, financial, operational, computing, industrial, legal, social, and psychosocial risks. Orsys offers a full line of training courses to help you ensure risk management and business continuity.