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Courses DBMS

Relational databases have popularised the representation of corporate data in the form of tables, like product tables, customer tables, and order tables. SQL makes it possible to process this data. To this day, these data management servers are still central to the information system. The proven stability of these solutions may give the illusion of stagnation. However, successive versions of the servers on the market have always included useful enterprise computing features, like optimising architectures and queries, integrating decision support tools, data replication and high uptime, adherence to GDPR regulatory requirements, and spatial/multimedia data management. These regular innovations mean that people involved in the field, such as designers, administrators, and developers, must make a sustained effort to keep their skills current. But learning about databases is not just about updates. Choosing a hardware and software solution, or migrating to a new version or publisher, are decisions with a strategic nature to them.

Courses DBMS

Customer reviews 4,3 / 5
Score calculated on a total of 1314 opinions on all training courses in the DBMS field dating back less than 12 months.

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    Courses « SQL Server » 5 courses

SQL Server is one of the leading DBMSs on the market. Its many features extend to multidimensional analysis and BI. This type of server is also a key part of Microsoft architectures. Proficiency in this DBMS is therefore essential for companies that are Microsoft shops. Orsys courses cover all skill areas that are relevant to the latest versions of SQL Server. Orsys also offers preparatory courses for Microsoft certifications in the field of administration and development.

    Courses « Oracle » 3 courses

Oracle has fully opened its environments to the possibilities offered by the cloud. It also proposes major improvements in terms of administration and performance. Tracking these changes closely, Orsys courses are firmly established as benchmarks in the field of Oracle training. They cover design, administration, SQL and PL/SQL development, reliability, optimisation, and decision management architectures.

    Courses « MySQL, PostgreSQL, and others DBMS » 4 courses

Open-source DBMS like MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL have gained recognition in professional circles for their speed and robustness. They first won acceptance in small and medium businesses, but have since moved into larger companies. At the other end of the entrepreneurial spectrum, in the biggest corporations, DB2 has quietly remained ubiquitous. Orsys is not affiliated with any software publisher and has developed a series of courses around these less well-known DBMSs, from getting started to tuning.