Courses Information systems management

The information system is the backbone of any organisation. It must be aligned with the company’s strategic issues and offer full guarantees of scalability, stability, performance, security, and regulatory compliance. With a constantly evolving ecosystem (IoT, big data, AI, cybersecurity, etc.), IS managers must keep up with the latest technological and methodological advances. In particular, ISDs must organise and better manage the upgrading of the IS and be creative in proposing new solutions and services while integrating new kinds of jobs. To accomplish this, they need to take into account new managerial methods like agility, the most commonly used standards, and architecture planning techniques. With all of these methods, they have the resources they need to provide the information and services that the company demands, particularly with respect to the digital transition. With government agencies offering new services to citizens, public sector ISDs also need to be part of this emerging approach.

Courses Information systems management

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    Courses « Digital transformation » 2 courses

There are many places where the digital transition can be applied, including technology, product design and distribution, marketing, and customer relations. Implementing this transition is important, as are change management, behaviours, and practices, which must also adapt. Orsys has designed training curricula that will enable ISDs, heads of business units, and managers to understand these issues and make the right strategic and implementation choices.

    Courses « ITIL®, ISO, COBIT®, and other standards » 22 courses

Information systems management standards provide best practices for organisations, facilitate the management of skills, and improve workforce employability. Orsys courses make it possible to understand the field and the steps needed to implement the leading internationally recognised standards, including ITIL®3/2011 and 4, ISO 20000, VeriSM, COBIT, TOGAF®, Lean IT, Lean Six Sigma®, etc.

    Courses « ISD governance » 6 courses

Orsys offers a range of high-level seminars and overview courses specially designed for IT department leaders. These training sessions will show how to set up real governance for information systems in order to proceed with the company’s digital transformation at optimal quality, under budget, and on time.

    Courses « IS architecture and urbanisation » 5 courses

What businesses need from an information system changes rapidly, requiring that IS planners and architects design suitable, adaptable solutions. How can you set about with a planning approach? How can you benefit from new service architectures? What are the best practices in the field? Orsys makes it possible to address these new challenges through seminars, hands-on courses, and certification programs.