Courses Management, accounting, finance, and banking

Because accounting, finance, banking, and insurance are governed by laws, regulations, and standards, by definition they are constantly changing. Professionals in these fields must engage in nonstop legal monitoring in order to update their knowledge, adapt their methods, and alter their practices based on the laws that are passed which apply to their areas of business. In France, the Sapin 2 law and the PACTE law, for instance, have introduced changes to taxation and accounting rules that affect everyone involved in this sector. Doctrines, meaning the opinions handed down by professional bodies, also cause the law and practices to change. In addition to these technical changes, there are also the tremendous upheavals caused by the digital revolution. For example, Big Data tools make it possible to better manage and make use of accounting and financial data, traditional finances facing competition from fintech and big tech, and banks must contend with open banking, the openness of their information systems, and the sharing of their data, to name just a few issues.

Courses Management, accounting, finance, and banking

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Individuals wishing to learn and improve their knowledge of corporate finance techniques, methods, and tools will find the necessary expertise and resources in the training offered by Orsys. These include cash flow management, investment valuation and optimisation, and financial performance analysis.

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Orsys training courses in banking, insurance, and financial markets are designed and delivered by specialists for audiences ranging from service companies to hiring managers and bank employees. Knowledge of the environment and the sector’s business lines are covered, as well as the development of specific skills and developments in regulation, compliance, and risk management.