Courses Robotics, embedded systems, and the IoT

The forthcoming deployment of 5G, increasingly autonomous vehicles, omnipresent artificial intelligence, new 3D printing techniques, augmented reality glasses announced by Apple. All of these systems that have grown out of the industrial sector are gradually becoming part of our everyday lives, embedded in our watches, vehicles, and household appliances. Initially reserved for highly specialised technicians, the technologies used in these fields are now within reach of everyone, and are currently being used by many IT professionals of varying descriptions, primarily due to how well they can connect with one another. From temperature control in pharmaceutical labs to operating firefighting robots to optimising the lighting and air conditioning in our offices, we believe that the applications for robotics, embedded computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT), supported by artificial intelligence, will continue to develop and find ways to surprise us.

Courses Robotics, embedded systems, and the IoT

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    Courses « Robotics, connected devices, and the IoT » 3 courses

With the development of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence for voice recognition or pattern recognition, and the widespread availability of circuit boards via Raspberry Pi or Arduino for prototyping, all the ingredients are there for robotics to branch out from the world of industry. Orsys trainers will share their knowledge and expertise through courses that show how to implement robotics or IoT applications.

    Courses « Real time and embedded systems » 6 courses

Whether we’re aware of it or not, embedded systems are part of our everyday lives. Our cars’ onboard computers, our MP3 players, or on a larger scale, traffic control and public lighting systems. These systems usually run on small processors, often relying on Linux systems. Orsys courses make it possible to acquire concepts and proficiency in these systems such as Raspberry Pi or Arduino.