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Courses Testing and application quality

Testing is becoming a structure-defining part of IT production, due to three major factors. First is the initiative taken by standardisation bodies to define various tests and consider how they should be managed and integrated. These standards go with certifications that have become essential throughout the world of software. Furthermore, within businesses, testing is scheduled increasingly early, regardless of the method adopted. They guarantee the quality of the software, the reliability of the applications, their long life, and as such help reduce risks and maintenance costs. The third factor is the arrival of a variety of testing automation software on the market. However, the excessive number of solutions is making choices harder for IS departments. Testers have now become key players in all IT teams, including development, project leadership, and maintenance. This revolution, however, is not complete; in the future, project managers will rely on testing similar to how executives rely on management control.

Courses Testing and application quality

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    Courses « Acceptance and quality » 2 courses

Carrying out the tests is a major factor for success. Orsys offers training and certification programs that provide a comprehensive view of the essential steps for delivering quality products, and of ways to professionalise testing. The approach taken to scaling up the testing process is also covered through the lens of design and implementation in various technological environments and for their types of applications.

    Courses « Testing tools » 1 courses

Orsys can assist the tester and test manager by getting them started on QuickTestPro, tools from the HP suite, the application Microsoft TFS, or the open-source tool Squash. Orsys can also guide you through the discovery of test automation tools, including unit testing, functional testing with HP tools, various tests with Microsoft TFS, web HMI testing with Selenium, mobile app testing with Appium, and performance testing with LoadRunner.