Courses Virtualisation, Cloud, DevOps

Virtualisation technologies have made it possible to secure and streamline the management and operation of computing environments. They are one of the foundations of cloud computing, for which solutions available on the market have reached maturity. Enterprises and government agencies can benefit by subscribing to public clouds, implementing a private cloud, or a using a hybrid cloud for greater flexibility and more deployment options. The DevOps movement, meanwhile, aims to improve the responsiveness and quality of software development as well as the production release of applications. It emphasises lifecycle management and constant collaboration between the development and production teams. All of these changes have some impact on security, which is an essential factor given the growing number of threats that companies face today. The new concept of DevSecOps is therefore increasingly important. It combines security (of applications and infrastructure) with the DevOps project, integrating it as early as the planning and design phases.

Courses Virtualisation, Cloud, DevOps

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    Courses « Virtualisation » 2 courses

Virtualisation has become an essential solution for securing the operation of computing environments and streamlining their management. Orsys offers a full line of courses on this subject. The hands-on courses focus on implementing it in a real-world setting. They are built around off-the-shelf solutions, like VMware/vSphere, Citrix, Hyper-V/Windows, and KVM/Linux, and provide all the knowledge needed to install, configure, and monitor them.

    Courses « Cloud computing » 14 courses

    Courses « DevOps and production management » 12 courses

Experience has proven that having a “dev” phase that is too remote from maintenance makes the latter task more difficult and results in a higher TCO over time. In the field of software, DevOps methods make it possible to avoid this phenomenon. This catchword has become ubiquitous in ISDs. Orsys can provide instruction in the DevOps approach and preparation for common certifications. Furthermore, there are courses that detail the installation and configuration of software tools to support these methods.